
The following is a list of concepts that are somewhat related to either business ideas or productivity in general. As of now, there is not enough content in this document to justify splitting it in business and productivity


Parkinson's Law

work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion

There are multiple interpretations on the law, but the above one is the most important to me. While I belive the law is true, I also belive thatyou cannot give a task just one minute to be completed and expect it to be completed in one minute. On the other hand, if you give it an hour longer to be completed than it would need, it will take an hour longer. A practical approach here might be to calculate the duration of tasks as short as possible and than adapt if the task was not finished in the given time.

Resources and Material

The 80/20 Rule

The 80/20 Rule can be applied to almost everything in live and is very flexible in implementation. Some examples include:

  • 20% of the work produce 80% of the outcome

  • 20% of the events produce 80% of the stress

  • 20% of the customers produce 80% of the revenue

Generally, its good to identify the 20s and 80s in a System and then adapt to that (by cutting out unperformatn factors that are not in the 20%)

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